Old Kildonan
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There are 3 candidates in this election race. Candidates are displayed in random order.
Our questionnaires were sent to candidates by email on September 24, 2018. Our candidate data retrieval process is available in our FAQ.
This ward is located at the far north of Winnipeg. The ward boundaries will have some changes that will take effect for the 2018 civic election. The new ward has lost the Riverbend and Rivergrove neighbourhoods to the east, which are now to be part of the North Kildonan ward.
Under its previous boundaries the ward had a population of 55,223 residents, based on 2016 census data. The new ward has a population of 47,155 residents, based on 2016 census data.
Prior to the 2018 election boundaries, all neighbourhoods within the new boundaries were represented by represented by Councillor Devi Sharma, who was elected in 2010 and in 2014.
Neighbourhoods within the new ward boundaries include:
- Amber Trails
- Garden City
- Leila North
- Leila-McPhillips Triangle
- Mandalay West
- North Inkster Industrial
- Rosser-Old Kildonan
- Templeton-Sinclair
- The Maples
- West Kildonan Industrial
New ward population and neighbourhoods retrieved from the 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission Final Report.
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Articles that mention candidates from this race.
October 12, 2018
Bowman to further reduce business tax; Woodstock announces four-year property tax freeze - Winnipeg Sun
Mentions: Brad Gross, Brian Bowman, Don Woodstock
October 9, 2018
Growth in Old Kildonan a natural progress - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Portage and Main, Brad Gross
Sharma wants to continue to improve community - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Devi Sharma
Sidhu wants CPT extension built right away - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Kaur Sidhu, Brad Gross, Devi Sharma
October 4, 2018
Pharmacist fined for professional misconduct challenging incumbent in Old Kildonan race - CBC Manitoba
Mentions: Kaur Sidhu, Brad Gross, Matt Allard, Devi Sharma
September 24, 2018
1 in 5 Winnipeg council candidates don’t live where they’re running - CBC Manitoba
Mentions: Brad Gross, Janice Lukes, Dean Koshelanyk, Kate Sjoberg, Vivian Santos, Steph Meilleur, Sherri Rollins, Harry Wolbert, Peter Koroma
September 21, 2018
Man convicted of firearm offence running for city council in Transcona - CBC Manitoba
Mentions: Ray Ulasy, Alex Allard, Sandeep Sharma, Shane Geschiere, Shawn Nason, Wally Welechenko, Steven Lipischak, Basil Evan, Matt Allard, Devi Sharma
September 20, 2018
Élection à Winnipeg : 54 candidats, 15 quartiers, une élue - Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais
Mentions: Baljeet Sharma, Marcel Boille, Alex Allard, Sandeep Sharma, Grant Nordman, Andrew Podolecki, Nikolas Joyal, Kaur Sidhu, Greg Littlejohn, Jeff Palmer
September 19, 2018
Winnipeg votes 2018: Old Kildonan ward profile - CBC Manitoba
Mentions: Kaur Sidhu, Brad Gross, Matt Allard, Devi Sharma
Winnipeg election Oct. 24 — who will be on the ballot - Global News
Mentions: Baljeet Sharma, Marcel Boille, Alex Allard, Sandeep Sharma, Grant Nordman, Ed Ackerman, Andrew Podolecki, Nikolas Joyal, Kaur Sidhu, Greg Littlejohn
September 18, 2018
Eight candidates vying for mayor as nomination deadline passes - Winnipeg Sun
Mentions: Ray Ulasy, Dave Capar, Baljeet Sharma, Marcel Boille, Alex Allard, Sandeep Sharma, Grant Nordman, Ed Ackerman, Andrew Podolecki, Nikolas Joyal
September 13, 2018
Fashion mogul unveils Inkster office renovation - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Devi Sharma
September 6, 2018
Committee endorses boost to integrity commissioner budget - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Devi Sharma, Brian Bowman
Winnipeg’s integrity commissioner’s budget in line for big boost - Winnipeg Sun
Mentions: Devi Sharma
August 29, 2018
BRODBECK: Bowman’s growth tax will be expanded post-election - Winnipeg Sun
Mentions: Jeff Browaty, Jason Schreyer, Janice Lukes, Brian Mayes, Shawn Dobson, Scott Gillingham, Matt Allard, John Orlikow, Devi Sharma, Ross Eadie
August 27, 2018
New theatre a jewel for Seven Oaks SD - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Derek Dabee, Devi Sharma, Ross Eadie
August 13, 2018
Four councillors still unopposed in upcoming civic election - Winnipeg Sun
Mentions: Gary Lenko, Jeff Palmer, Venkat Machiraju, Shane Geschiere, Brad Gross, Shawn Nason, Ken St. George, Wally Welechenko, Glenn Churchill, Jeff Browaty
July 19, 2018
Russ Wyatt misses first council meeting since being charged with sexual assault - Winnipeg Free Press
Mentions: Devi Sharma, Ross Eadie, Cindy Gilroy, Brian Bowman
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2018. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.