Brian Mayes
Candidate in the St. Vital Councillor Candidates race.
Brian can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-479-2894.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Brian Mayes - St. Vital
Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?
Representing the residents of St. Vital continues to be my passion. I decided to run for re-election because although I have accomplished many things this term (for instance supporting budgets that almost quadrupled the budget for road repair –from $30 million in 2012 to $116 million now), there is so much more I want to do for St. Vital. Constituents know that when I say I will oppose difficult issues, such as the opening of Portage and Main, and fight on their behalf, that I really will. St. Vital is where I grew up, and where I am raising my kids. It is where I feel I belong. I want to continue to work to help St. Vital constituents get the attention and project funding at City Hall.
What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
I have represented St. Vital as city councillor for the past seven years, and for much of that time I have served on the Mayor’s Executive Policy Council. Prior to that I was a school trustee. I have a Bachelor of Public Administration degree (Carleton University), a Masters of Industrial Relations and a law degree (University of Toronto). This educational experience coupled with years in the private sector compliment my role as Councillor.
I ran my own small business as a lawyer before I entered politics and have served on the boards of Brandon University, Workers Compensation Manitoba, Morrow Avenue Child Care and Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba. This experience has given me the expertise to manage large budgets and deal with difficult issues that arise in the role of City Councillor.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
First, I will be voting “no” on the opening of Portage and Main, but will consider myself bound by the results of the referendum. I will continue to work to increase funding to improve our roads and public transit, and reduce traffic congestion. Safety is of paramount importance not only in St. Vital but also in the City of Winnipeg. We need to invest more in police, fire and paramedics. Sage Creek, Royalwood and Bonavista need more recreational facilities. Sage Creek needs another school. Last but certainly not least is our environment. In the very near future, Winnipeg will need to modernize its sewer system to protect Lake Winnipeg. I’ve already worked to enhance the parks of St. Vital and the Seine River trails but much more work is needed.
What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?
My City Council voting record shows that although I am an EPC member, I fight for my ward’s diverse interests. I recognize the challenges constituents face in older ward neighbourhoods from gravel lanes to the need for better crosswalks/bridges/improved roads/sidewalks. Because I run for re-election the old-fashioned way, going door-door-to-door, not only during elections but throughout the year, I understand the needs of newer ward neighbourhoods, too. This diverse approach is reflected in things I have accomplished such as the “youthunited@winnipeg” program. I am very proud of this program bringing together ten inner-city and ten suburban students to work for charitable agencies in Winnipeg’s core, and to study the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
We need to maintain and protect our libraries, community and recreational facilities and to keep all people active and involved. I have fought to expand Handi-Transit to all areas of the City and have worked to make the new St. Vital Toboggan slide and renovated St. Vital library accessible. I have worked in a non-partisan way with a diverse variety of individuals, organizations and parties from all levels of government and the broader community to get things done for St. Vital.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Becoming a city councillor was a dream for me. I have much more to do in St. Vital and I hope that on October 24 the residents of St. Vital will vote for Brian Mayes.
News that mentions Brian Mayes
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