Don Woodstock
Candidate in the Mayoral Candidates race.
Don can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-880-1564.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Don Woodstock - Mayoral Candidates
Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?
Having seen the level of nepotism and blatant disregard for our democratic rights, it was all too much for me to sit down and do nothing. Right is right, and Wrong is WRONG! We can’t keep pretending everything is O.K. when it is not. I want to be the Mayor for the people who truly serves the people and not just say they do! Defending our tax dollars – ensuring they are spent on what Winnipeggers really need is what the people want! I will defend those dollars.
I will have revisions done to the different departments and procedures of the City of Winnipeg that today, does not foster good will or prosperity for our citizens.
What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
Over the last 18+ years, I have lobbied City Council on a number of initiatives. I have a first-hand knowledge of how Council works. Working closely with Harvey Smith, he taught me the inside workings of City Council. As a business owner, I know first-hand and by relationships with other business owners, the struggles that businesses face here in Winnipeg. It all needs to change.
As a visionary, I lobbied the City to change from “Garbage Day” to “Recycle Day” in the City’s literature & media – this took me 2 years to accomplish. See what perseverance can do! I lobbied the Provincial Government for the first set of electric buses. I created & organized “Reusable Bag Day” on the steps of the Legislature to bring awareness to reusable bags, created & organize annually the FREE West End Football Futures Clinic and Educational Scholarship for the past 6 years, along with many other meaningful projects. These projects took years to put together and a lot of hard work. My own dime & time, but I got it done!
People who know me best, know that when I know something is right – I don’t let it go!!
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
Ending Homelessness – It is important to me because it is cheaper to build a home for them and give them services, then to leave them on the street. As well, giving a homeless person a home will give them a safe place in which they can now regain their dignity and help to bring them back into our society.
Sports Capital not crime capital – By investing $250-$300M annually into sports, recreational facilities & programs will be able to engage the youth, hence less crime. When a child’s brain is developed around sports and/or activities that child will go on to be a more productive member of society.
As a environmentalist at heart, I would love the opportunity to ban plastic bags & straws. There are alternatives. Create a sustainable economy from the environmental sector.
What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?
It’s diversity is very much appreciated along with the different cuisine that each culture enjoys. I love trying different foods and never pass up an opportunity to taste something different. My two children are born right here! We are proud Winnipeggers!
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Many candidates will come to you asking you for their vote. Ask them one question, “What have you done for Winnipeg, so that I will know what you will do?” It’s a simple question but the answer has great meaning. Talk is cheap. Action is everything. If you are looking for something different – then vote Don Woodstock – Keeping it real!
Investigate your candidates to see their backgrounds, their businesses, their credibility. If someone tells you “they are the Queen of England” don’t just take their word for it – check it out. Then hold them in high regard.
Check out Don Woodstock at or Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. See my history, my work I have done. It is all documented.
Come on this journey with me where we end ‘corporate welfare’ where we no longer invest in millionaires & billionaires, but instead invest in our youth and communities.
Vote Don Woodstock for Mayor
News that mentions Don Woodstock
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2018. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
1 2 … 10 Next »Candidates pitch poverty fixes
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Winnipeg Free Press - ...a form of payment and pay only 27¢ per article. In addition to Bowman, the participants were Doug Wilson, Umar Hayat, Tim Diack, Ed Ackerman and Don Woodstock. Missing from the event were Venkat Machiraju and Jenny Motkaluk. “I think the city is doing good things,” said Brian Bowman, the incumbent who...
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CBC Manitoba - ...received a hike of less than 1.16 per cent, based on its assessment relative to other properties. Woodstock promises tax freeze Mayoral candidate Don Woodstock pledged to freeze property taxes for four years and force departments to find a way to cover incremental cost increases. Woodstock also pledged to...
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