Tim Diack
Candidate in the Mayoral Candidates race.
Tim can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-889-4989.
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News that mentions Tim Diack
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2018. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
1 2 … 10 Next »Candidates pitch poverty fixes
October 17, 2018
Winnipeg Free Press - ...Later membership. Simply add a form of payment and pay only 27¢ per article. In addition to Bowman, the participants were Doug Wilson, Umar Hayat, Tim Diack, Ed Ackerman and Don Woodstock. Missing from the event were Venkat Machiraju and Jenny Motkaluk. “I think the city is doing good things,” said...
Ce que vous promettent les candidats à la mairie de Winnipeg
October 17, 2018
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...de la Ville. Environnement : Il souhaite que la Ville fasse la collecte des déchets organiques en plus d'interdire les sacs de plastique. Tim Diack Impôts fonciers : Le candidat veut augmenter les impôts fonciers de 1,2 % en 2019 pour amasser 6,8 millions de dollars supplémentaires. Il...
Motkaluk joins Bowman in pledging to freeze frontage levies
October 17, 2018
CBC Manitoba - ...mayoral candidate Brian Bowman has also pledged not to increase frontage levies if he's elected mayor. In a separate release, mayoral candidate Tim Diack promised to abolish executive policy committee if elected mayor. Such a move would require changes to provincial...
Bowman vows to continue fight against homelessness
October 16, 2018
Winnipeg Sun - ...are walking on riverbanks, looking under bridges, they are looking for our most vulnerable citizens,” Bowman said. Meanwhile, mayoral candidate Tim Diack said he will abolish the city’s executive policy committee if elected. The 31-year member of the Winnipeg Police Service stood at City Hall on...
Pont Louise, impôts fonciers, entreprises : survol de la campagne à Winnipeg
October 12, 2018
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...comme lors de son premier mandat. Il se demande si la réforme proposée par son adversaire est possible sur le plan technique. Le candidat Tim Diack a aussi dévoilé ses intentions sur le plan de la taxation. Il promet d’augmenter les impôts fonciers de 1,2 % la première année d’un...
Automobiles et loisirs font réagir les candidats à la mairie de Winnipeg
October 11, 2018
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...dans notre ville régie par les automobiles? OUI : Vankat Rao Machiraju, Brian Bowman NON : Ed Ackerman, Doug Wilson, Umar Hayat, Don Woodstock, Tim Diack, Jennifer Motkaluk Après avoir terminé la construction du Transitway Sud-Ouest, qui a déjà commencé, devrions-nous abandonner le reste du...
Rival accuses Bowman of pandering to firefighter union by attending Colorado memorial
October 11, 2018
CBC Manitoba - ...for by the Winnipeg firefighters union and asked whether Bowman is in the pocket of union interests. During the CBC mayoral debate on Thursday, Tim Diack referred to a past statement of Bowman's wherein he criticized a time when special interest groups and union leaders allegedly called the shots at...
Mayoral debate features a few jabs, no knockout blows
October 11, 2018
Winnipeg Sun - ...million and pump it into ambulances and other areas. Venkat Machiraju wasn’t able to ask a question in time. His question was supposed to be for Tim Diack, but it ran so long that he ate up most of Diack’s rebuttal time. Bowman’s question was clever. It was pointed at Hayat, who Bowman had earlier...
Answers in mayoral debate range from Portage and Main to Panama Canal
October 11, 2018
Winnipeg Free Press - ...and transferring the money into more regular Winnipeg Transit buses and routes. Later, when it was candidate and current Winnipeg police officer Tim Diack's turn, he asked Bowman whether it was the city's taxpayers or the firefighters union which paid for his trip to Colorado Springs, Colo., last year...
Winnipeg mayoral candidates Motkaluk, Diack reveal tax plans
October 11, 2018
Global News - ...mayoral candidates Jenny Motkaluk and Tim Diack revealed their respective property tax plans on Thursday, less than two weeks from the municipal election on Oct. 24. Motkaluk is promising to cap residential property tax increases at 1.16 per cent a year, for as long as you own your home. READ...