Susan Olynik

Candidate in the River East - Transcona - 4 Trustee Candidates race.

Susan can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-661-6440.

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.

Our candidate data retrieval process is available in our FAQ.

Questionnaire Response

Susan Olynik - River East - Transcona - 4

Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?

I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to the Board of Trustees as an experienced parent, experienced business executive and active community member. Having recently retired from a provincial Crown corporation, I also have the time to devote to this significant role.

I have raised two children who attended schools in the division and graduated from River East Collegiate.   As an informed  citizen, I understand the education system today, its successes and its challenges.  As a strategic thinker, I also understand what is required for the future.   I know what parents and children are facing.  My young nephews currently attend elementary school and I am actively involved in their lives.   I want to see them succeed in their education.

River East Transcona School division is the second largest division in the province.  Our quality of education must continue to be set at a high standard, so all of our children become inspired, skilled and responsible citizens.  “Every child has a different learning style and pace.  Each child is unique, not only capable of learning, but also capable of succeeding.” – Robert John Meehan

What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?

My experience as a parent raising two sons, my volunteer experience serving our community, and my several years experience as a business executive will be extremely beneficial to the division.  

Throughout my personal and professional life, I have acquired strong leadership, decision making, stakeholder relations and governance skills.  These skills are needed at the board table to represent the parents and children of River East Transcona.  

Effective trustees must be respectful, be empathetic, be open minded, and have excellent communications skills.  My employee engagement score  (leading a team, working well within teams, strong communications) was one of the most successful in the organization where I worked. 

Trustees must also be able to make decisions relating to policies and operating/capital budgets.  I have developed policies,  understand fiscal responsibilities and have prepared business plans that entailed millions of dollars. 

My volunteer experience included being on the parent committees of the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program at Springfield Heights Elementary and Chief Peguis Junior High schools.  I also volunteered for Gateway Community Club, the CNIB and am currently volunteering on the board of the Responsible Gambling Council of Canada.





What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?

Open and effective communication with the community is key.    There are many challenges facing students and parents today. Parents, educators, and those with a vested interest in our children’s education, should be consulted with when major decisions affecting our children’s education are going to be made.



What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?

I have lived in East and North Kildonan all my life, as did many of my family members.  In fact, many people I grew up with and became friends with, still live in River East Transcona. That attests to the vibrancy and love of this neighborhood.   I would be honoured to represent the division and advocate on everyone’s behalf.


News that mentions Susan Olynik

Showing news articles published after May 1st 2018. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

School trustees on the ballot

October 16, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press - ...Stroke Foundation, and the Canadian Cancer Society. According to campaign material, Kotyk is "passionate about education and student success." • Susan Olynik — A former board member of the CNIB and the Responsible Gambling Council, Olynik is a recently retired executive with Manitoba Liquor and...

Nomination period wraps up for city council

September 21, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press - ...• Brianne Goertzen; • Roland Headley; • Keith Morrison. Ward 4 (two to be elected) • Brenda Bage; • Robert Gigiel; • Peter Kotyk; • Susan Olynik. In Ward 2, Rod Giesbrecht and John Toews were elected by acclamation, as was Michael West in Ward 5. In Ward 7 of the Winnipeg School Division,...

Tories and NDP point fingers at each other over whopping payout to former WRHA boss

July 12, 2018

CBC Manitoba - ...paid employee at the Crown, pulling in almost $350,000 last year — almost $150,000 more than his pay in 2016. Another former vice-president, Susan Olynik, who was the VP of corporate communications and social responsibility, was paid almost $340,000 in 2017, an increase of over $150,000 from her pay...

PCs call payouts ‘concerning,’ plan to meet with Crown corporations

July 12, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press - December 2016. Wayne Perfumo, former vice-president, hospitality and entertainment services, received compensation totalling $348,603, while Susan Olynik, vice-president, corporate communications and social responsibility, received $339,694. Crown Services Minister Cliff Cullen said in a statement...