Jennifer Chen
Candidate in the Winnipeg - 6 Trustee Candidates race.
Jennifer can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-509-0559.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Jennifer Chen - Winnipeg - 6
Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?
I chose to run for Winnipeg School Division School Trustee for Ward 6 because I care deeply about education. I am experienced and passionate about supporting underrepresented communities and children. Additionally, as a mother of two young children I hope to build the best school system possible for my son and daughter as well as all families in the Winnipeg School Division.
Ward 6 has a very diverse student population, including thousands of newcomer, Indigenous, and refugee families. These families often need additional support to help their children succeed. When these children succeed, all children succeed.
By running for School Trustee I am committed to fulfilling my duties at the Board, but I will also work hard to ensure that residents’ concerns are brought to the Board and acted on. Families in Ward 6 deserve to be heard, and I will ensure that there is better communication between parents and the School Division.
This is especially important as the Provincial Government intends to make changes to the way School Boards operate. I believe strongly that families should have a say in their schools, and I hope that as Trustee I can be that voice.
What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
I arrived in Canada in 2009 to study for my Masters Degree in Kinesiology in a program joined with City Planning at the University of Manitoba. My thesis focused on the health and well being of our communities.
Since then I have become active in numerous organizations including the Board of Directors of Healthy Start for Mom and Me, Family Dynamics (immigrant and refugee settlement services), Asian Women of Winnipeg, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, the Manitoba Chinese Tribune, and I was involved in this year’s Philippine Independence Week celebrations.
I am well known in the community for my advocacy work for newcomers and my experience on non-profit Boards, but also for working hard to build bridges between all communities. Our community is incredibly diverse, and I hope to help ensure that all students have the tools they need to succeed.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
I have been campaigning since August for the Trustee position; I have knocked on hundreds of doors throughout Ward 6 & have spoken to countless parents who have shared their concerns and hopes for their children’s futures.
The role of School Trustee isn’t about one person. An effective School Trustee listens to the needs of families in the Ward, brings those concerns to the School Board, and follows up with those families. Many residents have told me that I am the first School Trustee candidate to ever knock on their door.
I’ve heard many ideas from parents, including improving supports to help children with FAS, better breakfast programs, full-day kindergarten options for working families, stronger EAL supports for newcomer & refugee children, better gang & drug-prevention resources for parents.
Other parents have talked about support for students with disabilities, safer crossing guards for elementary schools, implementing the Calls to Action of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, and after school programming to help keep children safe and away from negative influences.
Parents also want to improve core areas including math, literacy, and science. Physical Education is also an area I hope to help improve for the health of our community’s kids.
What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?
Ward 6 is incredibly diverse. I have spoken to families from the Philippines, Somalia, Vietnam, China, Eretria, Germany, Sudan, Portugal, and more. I have spoken to 4th Generation Canadians and Indigenous and Metis families as well as refugee families who arrived only last year.
Families in Ward 6 are also from different socio-economic backgrounds, and have different needs and expectations from their schools.
The schools, educators, and children in Ward 6 are an inspiration to me. Having all these different backgrounds and experiences can only enrich the quality of our education system and make our society a better place. I am thrilled to put my name forward as School Trustee in Ward 6, and I am committed to serving the community for many years to come!
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I see the role of School Trustee as a long-term commitment. As my children enter into school age, I hope to continue my role as Trustee to help improve our education system throughout their time at school.
I am committed to serving as School Trustee in Ward 6, especially as the Provincial Government roles out plans to make significant changes to how School Boards operate. I will work tirelessly to ensure that any changes to the school system don’t negatively affect the quality of our children’s education.
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