Dennae Koshelanyk

Candidate in the Winnipeg - 9 Trustee Candidates race.

Dennae can be reached on social media.

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

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Questionnaire Response

Dennae Koshelanyk - Winnipeg - 9

Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?

I want to work with the community to ensure our schools offer specific program and services like language programs, keeping programing in place for students with special needs just to name a few. Part of my motivation is my oldest who is borderline Autistic (no longer in school) and when he was in elementary I got that call that he was not allowed to participate in the concert because he was hard to handle. At the time I didn’t know what to do and I want to make sure that never happens to another child again. I want to be there to help and support all families who need my help.

What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?

I have volunteered many hours helping at schools, vision testing, hot dog day. I have also volunteered at Tyndall Park Community Centre as the secretary, held a position as Volunteer coordinator and President at my child’s school.

What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?

1.Keeping our school taxes low, this is important to me because now days it is both parents that need to work just to make ends meet and every year everyone’s household bills go up.

2. There needs to be more transparency at the schools on the money coming in and what it is bring spent on, this is important to me because fundraising seems to always increase in our schools.

3. Many parents rely on a Lunch Program run by parent volunteers, and without them parents might not be able to work at a full time job. Additionally many families can’t afford the lunch program fees. School Lunch Programs should be organized and run by the school division at no cost to families.


What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?

I appreciate that the division is the largest division in the province and their ability to accommodate all the diversity within the division with different programs and services.

News that mentions Dennae Koshelanyk

Showing news articles published after May 1st 2018. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

School trustee candidates for WSD

October 15, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press -, advocate for more diversity in school staff and less bullying and harassment, implement school identity cards and swimming classes. Dennae Koshelanyk Koshelanyk grew up in Northern Manitoba and moved to Winnipeg with her husband in 1996 to make sure their children had more opportunities and a...