Cindy Murdoch
Candidate in the Winnipeg - 5 Trustee Candidates race.
Cindy can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Cindy Murdoch - Winnipeg - 5
Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?
I have always believed strongly in the power of education. Education provides us with the fundamentals we need to be successful in life. With proper support, guidance, direction, and encouragement; strong public education can open doors and create opportunity for every child, no matter where they come from. As a new mother myself I want to be a role model and mentor for my son. I want him and our next generation of youth to have the best possible, high quality, sustainable, positive and inclusive public education. I have the training, the experience and passion to use my voice on the WSD board to make this a reality. This is why I am running for trustee in the 2018 civic election, to play an active role and make a difference for our youth and future generations.
What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
I utilize my professional and community experience to support my life long values; that everyone deserves to live healthy, safe, dignified lives. I believe strongly in fairness, equality, diversity, and inclusion and have incorporated these values into all areas of my life. I have spent over 20 years serving by working in the arts, non-profit sector, public sector, and for labour. Professionally, I am the Manitoba Representative for the Canadian Labour Congress, the largest labour organization in Canada; working to support workers and their families across the province.
As well, I been an active volunteer for many years in the community in support of progressive community groups and non-profit organizations, such as Welcome Place, the Workers Organizational Resource Centre, and the Manitoba Association for Rights & Liberties with a goal to help build inclusive, diverse, strong, and healthy communities in Winnipeg.
I have also served on a number of board of directors and have lots of experience with board governance, strategic planning, budgeting, community outreach and engagement. I am currently serving on the board of the Safe Workers of Tomorrow, which focus on providing youth entering the work force with health and safety education.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
I stand for high-quality public education that ensures all children have strong educational foundations which will contribute to their future successes. I want our children to be supported, and our teachers and schools to have the resources they need to provide those supports.
I believe in community engagement, building stronger connections between the school board, schools, and the local community and engaging in constructive and positive dialogue with teachers, parents, and staff to ensure the best system of education possible.
I will advocate for strong, stable, and predictable provincial funding for our schools to decrease reliance on property taxes, while defending the value of local school boards making education decisions that reflect the needs of our community.
What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?
WSD Ward 5 is a diverse community of working families, young couples, students, artists, retirees, newcomers (coming from both outside of Canada and from other areas around Manitoba), as well as small community business owners. With this diversity comes a great mix of different cultures, languages, ideas, socio-economic backgrounds, as well as different needs and expectations. I love that diversity and that the area that makes up ward 5 really is a community with lots to offer locally and residents who support and look out for one another and the community. It is a community I would be proud to serve on the WSD board.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
When I commit to something, I commit 110%, I am passionate and dedicated person with a strong work ethic who gets things done.
For more information about me, my goals and priorities please visit my website at:
News that mentions Cindy Murdoch
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