Christian Tardi
Candidate in the Seven Oaks - 2 Trustee Candidates race.
Christian can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-797-4368.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Christian Tardi - Seven Oaks - 2
Why did you decide to run in the 2018 (Winnipeg Civic Election / School Board Election)?
I am a Seven Oaks resident with a passion for sustaining a healthy and safe educational experience. I believe in the public-school system and the role it plays in community growth and sustainability. I will bring a fresh vision and support to all facets of our educational programs, as well as visibility and communication that the residents in our community deserve.
We are faced with a reality that we need to accomplish more with less. Smart investments while prioritizing our resources is key, so we are not compromising the most important asset in our community, our children. It is these children that will grow up to be the doctors, inventors, contractors, and caregivers. Without the key resources and tools our educators require, we are risking their ability to deliver impactful education.
Manitoba’s educational score through CBC is a” D” grade. For too long our school board has ignored that our children are not supported academically, setting them up for failure. We need to enhance academic and life skills, so they are prepared for life after secondary school.
What experience will you bring to complement your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
INTEGRITY – Strong moral principles, honesty, moral uprightness, truthfulness
SAFETY – Our children need to feel safe, regardless of age, gender, colour, race, religion, or how they identify as themselves, and be free from bullying, harassment, and violence;
TRUST – Our children and educators need to believe in their school and their administration.
It is these are the values that I live by!
Enhancing these values are the life experiences I have, including; Conference committee Co-Chair – Incident Prevention Association of Manitoba Conference, Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and Chair of the 170 Royal Canadian Air Cadets Alumni Committee. It is from these experiences that I have an appreciation for the amazing work accomplished when a team comes together to collaborate for the good of one cause.
I am an advocate for our community in many ways, not only as the Citizens on Patrol Program Coordinator, but also as a volunteer coach for the Timbits Soccer program at the Red River Community Center. Bringing these experience and values to the board of Trustees will shape our board into a vibrant, fresh, energetic group that will work hard to represent the members of our community in a respectful, open way.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
My top priority is the collaboration with the stakeholders in our community, at the divisional level, and with the Civic and Provincial Governments. We need to build relationships at all levels while establishing trust and understanding of everyone’s needs and expectations.
We need to set priorities that are focused on a diverse education stream that supports the needs of all learners. Literacy and numeracy are equally as important as sustainability and stewardship. By placing our focus on one style of education, we are being neither responsible or realistic, and does not support the diverse demographic of our division.
Having the appropriate tools and resources in place for these programs needs to be strategic and allocated in a fiscally responsible way. Through the collaboration of our community supporters and the wealth of resources available to us in our City and Province, we can deliver an educational experience that fosters growth in our community.
What is something that you appreciate about the (City of Winnipeg / the ward / the school ward or school division) you wish to represent?
Residing and raising my family in Ward 2 has provided me with an appreciation for the community that supports our children and the public-school system.
We have an amazing community of diverse people who bring exceptional value to the Seven Oaks School Division. I am most impressed with the willingness of these folks to come together as supporters, both inside and outside of the school community. From the many sports organizations, community businesses and organizations supporting co-op and after-school programs, to the volunteer opportunities where our children continue to grow and learn, our community is committed to the development and sustainability of educating our children. It is these experiences, coupled with the delivery of our educational curriculum that shape our community into being a wonderful place to live, learn, and work.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Having the opportunity to network with many of the residents of the ward has provided me with a refreshed look into why I want to represent the community. The residents of our ward have been under represented and they want communication, transparency, and a better understanding of the work the division is doing.
My commitment is to provide clarity. I believe in open dialogue and communication where everyone has a voice. I am committed to representing concerns brought forward, while offering a solution to those concerns. I genuinely care about the community, I am involved, and committed to taking the time to educate everyone on the role of a Trustee, and the matters being discussed at the Division level.
As one of the only candidates with a child in the division, I understand the challenges faced by the parents and guardians of the children in our schools. As Trustee, I will put the educators, students, and communities’ interests above my own, by being your voice and speaking up for sustainability, integrity, safety, and trust.
For more information you can follow me on my Facebook Page, or contact me via email at [email protected], or by phone at 204-797-4368.
News that mentions Christian Tardi
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